cfsens_cf_mgn( X, Y, T, Gamma, alpha, side = c("two", "above", "below"), score_type = c("cqr"), ps_fun = regression_forest, ps = NULL, pred_fun = quantile_forest, train_prop = 0.75, train_id = NULL )
X | covariates. |
Y | the observed outcome vector. |
T | the vector of treatment assignments. |
Gamma | The confounding level. |
alpha | the target confidence level. |
side | the type of predictive intervals that takes value in {"two", "above", "below"}. See details. |
score_type | the type of nonconformity scores. The default is "cqr". |
ps_fun | a function that models the treatment assignment mechanism. The default is "regression_forest". |
ps | a vector of propensity score. The default is |
pred_fun | a function that models the potential outcome conditional on the covariates. The default is "quantile_forest". |
train_prop | proportion of units used for training. The default is 75\ train_idThe index of the units used for training. The default is |