construct the one-sided confidence interval for a unit's survival time T
get_calibration(score, weight_calib, weight_new, alpha)
alpha | a number betweeo 0 and 1, specifying the miscaverage rate. |
x | a vector of the covariate of the test data. |
r | the censoring time of the test data. |
data | a data frame used for calibration, containing four columns: (X,R,event,censored_T). |
mdl | The fitted model to estimate the conditional quantile (default is NULL). |
quant_lo | the fitted conditional quantile for the calibration data (default is NULL). |
new_quant_lo | the fitted conditional quantile for the test data (default is NULL). |
low_ci a value of the lower bound for the survival time of the test point.
includeR 0 or 1, indicating if [r,inf) is included in the confidence interval.