The function implements the derandomized knockoffs and produces a rejection set
v0 = 1,
M = 30,
tau = 0.5,
knockoff_method = "gaussian",
knockoff_stat = stat.glmnet_coefdiff,
seed = 24601,
mu = NULL,
Sigma = NULL,
pInit = NULL,
pEmit = NULL
a n-by-p matrix of the covariates.
the response vector of length in (can be continuous or binary).
a positive numver indicating the parameter of the base procedure.
an integer specifying the number of knockoff copies computed (default: 30).
a number betweem 0 and 1 indicating the selection frequency (default: 0.5).
either "gaussian" or "hmm" (default: "gaussian").
a feature importance statistic in the knockoff
pacakge (e.g., stat.glmnet_coefdiff
an integer specifying the random seed used in the procedure.
a length-p mean vector of X if it follows a Gaussian distribution.
a p-by-p covariance matrix of X if it follows a Gaussian distribution.
n array of length K, containing the marginal distribution of the states for the first variable, if X is sampled from an HMM.
an array of size (p-1,K,K), containing a list of p-1 transition matrices between the K states of the Markov chain, if X is sampled from an HMM.
an array of size (p,M,K), containing the emission probabilities for each of the M possible emission states, from each of the K hidden states and the p variables, if X is sampled from an HMM.
S the selection set. pi the selection frequency of all selected variables. W a M-by-p matrix of the computed knockoff feature importance statistics.
#Generate data
n <- 100; p <- 50; s <- 10;
rho <- 0.5;
Sigma <- toeplitz(rho^(1:p-1))
X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p),n,p)%*%chol(Sigma)
beta <- rep(0,p)
beta[1:s] <- 5/sqrt(n)
y <- X%*%beta+rnorm(n)
# Control PFER at level v=1
res <- base_filter(X,y,v0=1, knockoff_method = "gaussian",
knockoff_stat = stat.glmnet_coefdiff,
mu = rep(0,p),Sigma = Sigma)
#> Warning: doParallel is not installed. Without parallelization, the statistics will be slower to compute
#> Warning: doParallel is not installed. Without parallelization, the statistics will be slower to compute
#> Warning: doParallel is not installed. Without parallelization, the statistics will be slower to compute
#> Warning: doParallel is not installed. Without parallelization, the statistics will be slower to compute
#> Warning: doParallel is not installed. Without parallelization, the statistics will be slower to compute
#> Warning: doParallel is not installed. Without parallelization, the statistics will be slower to compute
#> Warning: doParallel is not installed. Without parallelization, the statistics will be slower to compute
#> Warning: doParallel is not installed. Without parallelization, the statistics will be slower to compute
#> Warning: doParallel is not installed. Without parallelization, the statistics will be slower to compute
#> Warning: doParallel is not installed. Without parallelization, the statistics will be slower to compute
#> Warning: doParallel is not installed. Without parallelization, the statistics will be slower to compute
#> Warning: doParallel is not installed. Without parallelization, the statistics will be slower to compute
#> Warning: doParallel is not installed. Without parallelization, the statistics will be slower to compute
#> Warning: doParallel is not installed. Without parallelization, the statistics will be slower to compute
#> Warning: doParallel is not installed. Without parallelization, the statistics will be slower to compute
#> Warning: doParallel is not installed. Without parallelization, the statistics will be slower to compute
#> Warning: doParallel is not installed. Without parallelization, the statistics will be slower to compute
#> Warning: doParallel is not installed. Without parallelization, the statistics will be slower to compute
#> Warning: doParallel is not installed. Without parallelization, the statistics will be slower to compute
#> Warning: doParallel is not installed. Without parallelization, the statistics will be slower to compute
#> Warning: doParallel is not installed. Without parallelization, the statistics will be slower to compute
#> Warning: doParallel is not installed. Without parallelization, the statistics will be slower to compute
#> Warning: doParallel is not installed. Without parallelization, the statistics will be slower to compute
#> Warning: doParallel is not installed. Without parallelization, the statistics will be slower to compute
#> Warning: doParallel is not installed. Without parallelization, the statistics will be slower to compute
#> Warning: doParallel is not installed. Without parallelization, the statistics will be slower to compute
#> Warning: doParallel is not installed. Without parallelization, the statistics will be slower to compute
#> Warning: doParallel is not installed. Without parallelization, the statistics will be slower to compute
#> Warning: doParallel is not installed. Without parallelization, the statistics will be slower to compute
#> Warning: doParallel is not installed. Without parallelization, the statistics will be slower to compute